Digital with purpose

Data-Driven | Software • Websites • Digital Marketing

Complexity to clarity, see the awesome! inCONNECT. Complexity to clarity, see the awesome! inCONNECT.

We use modern tools

Why choose us?

We break the mold.

  • We Use a Data-Driven Approach

    We design and develop software, websites, and digital marketing campaigns using our specialized data-driven approach. Through this approach we collect and analyze data to make agile decisions, uncover insights about your target market, and build a website/software/digital marketing campaign that focuses on maximum impact and increased revenue. By utilizing data-driven design, we can accelerate your conversion rates by 20% in 3–8 weeks, giving you a competitive advantage.

  • We Believe in Giving Back

    Purpose Five is committed to giving back to the community. Our team offers condensed social media courses for Bridges for Women, organizes and facilitates Ladies Learning Code workshops and runs fundraising campaigns for Homeless Partners. For further information about the exciting projects we are involved in, please see the Software & Services page.

  • We Believe in Gender Diversity

    Gender diversity is at the core of Purpose Five's organizational values and is reflected in how we operate our business and promote women to positions of senior leadership. Purpose Five supports the women we hire to excel in their area of genius so they may achieve their full potential. We provide women the opportunity to grow through mentorship and offer innovative ways to balance career and family, by providing the option to work flexible, remote hours. We envision a future where diversity is essential in the tech industry and are excited to be a part of this change.

What is Purpose Five?

Purpose Five is a Victoria-based technology company that builds innovative software, data-driven websites, and digital marketing campaigns. Purpose Five's passionate commitment to inclusivity is reflected in the promotion of women to lead roles on our executive and technical teams.

ps team photo

Our purpose is five-fold:

  1. Create a Future We Thrive In: We build technology that communicates to a diverse world and are committed to creating a future in technology where people thrive.
  2. Inclusive and Accessible: We build software and websites with a gender-inclusive lens and accessibility design.
  3. User-Centered Design: We use our expertise in User-Centered Design, Behavioral Design, and Gamification to create websites and software that are "sticky" - with high user engagement and motivating people to return to use them repeatedly.
  4. Community Contribution: We proudly partner with organizations that share purpose driven values and are committed to workplace inclusivity and involved in philanthropic projects.
  5. Data Driven: We employ a data-driven methodology to produce 20% conversion rates within 3–8 weeks, and work with our clients to achieve 40–50% conversion rates within 12 months.

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